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What Does Skin Cancer Look Like?

Most of us have a few odd moles or bumps on our skin. Most are harmless, but only a specialist in medical dermatology can determine whether one might cause concern. Recognizing the signs of skin cancer can help you get an early diagnosis and usually a complete cure. Always have your mark or lesion examined by a professional when in doubt. 

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer occurs when cells in different layers of your skin grow out of control. Most skin cancers result from UV damage to the DNA of skin cells. The most common types of skin cancer are basal cell and squamous cell and grow slowly. Dr. Dohner and his team can typically remove them with a minor procedure when diagnosed early. 

Skin Cancer Oneonta

What Does Skin Cancer Look Like? 

Skin cancer has many different appearances. If you notice any of the warning signs below, you should have the spot or sore examined by a medical dermatologist. If you have skin cancer, getting a diagnosis early will make removal easier.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer develops in the flat cells that make up the outermost layers of your skin. Its appearance can vary, but it may look like this:

  • Scaly or flaky patches
  • Sores that bleed or do not heal
  • Painful bumps
  • Wart-like growths 
  • Itching or burning

Basal Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer forms at the bottom layer of the epidermis. This type of skin cancer responds especially well to treatment when detected early. 

  • Red spots that bleed or crust over
  • Shiny, discolored, or skin-colored bumps
  • Sores that take a long time to heal and keep coming back

Consultations Available Now

The first step is to schedule an in-person consultation with one of our highly trained providers at New York Skin & Vein Center located in Oneonta, NY, serving the surrounding New York City areas with additional offices in Norwich, Binghamton, and Cobleskill.

Simply fill out the form on this page and we will reach out to you promptly to schedule your appointment. Your journey to a healthier, happier you can start today.


Melanoma forms in the cells that make pigment molecules called melanin. You should know what to look for with this type of skin cancer to get treatment as soon as possible. When considering whether a mole or mark might be melanoma, look for the ABCDE:

  • Asymmetrical: growth in an unusual shape
  • Border: rough or uneven borders
  • Color: changes in color or multiple colors
  • Diameter: moles more than 6 mm across
  • Evolving: new or changing moles

How is Skin Cancer Treated?

At New York Skin & Vein Centers, we offer you a wide range of treatment options for skin cancer treatment. We can remove the lesion with a shave or punch biopsy in most cases. A pathologist will examine the biopsy results to ensure only healthy skin remains. If necessary, Dr. Dohner may perform an excision to make sure he entirely removes the lesion.


*Individual Results May Vary

Dr. Dohner and his team strive to provide the best experience for everyone who chooses their practice for their aesthetic and vein needs. Read why our patients love their results & experience with Dr. Dohner and his team of expert providers at New York Skin & Vein Center in New York.

Take the Next Step

To schedule your in-person skin cancer consultation, call New York Skin & Vein Centers at (607) 431-2525 or simply fill out the form on this page. We look forward to working with you.

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